Wir glauben an den umfassenden Einsatz von Technologie und an die ständige Weiterentwicklung, indem wir Zeit und erhebliche finanzielle Mittel in die Suche und den Erwerb der Effizienz investieren.
Wir sind auf kundenspezifische Zeichnungsprofile spezialisiert. Das Hauptziel von Alunet ist Kundenwünsche zu erfüllen und individuelle Produkte zu liefern, die auf Spezifikationen des Kunden basieren. Wir arbeiten daran, Ihnen zufriedenstellende Lösungen mit der höchsten Kosten-Effizienz zu ermöglichen.
Alunet arbeitet mit 5 Strangpressen, die uns eine Produktionskapazität von 2.500 Tonnen monatlich, und somit weit über dem Durchschnitt der Konkurrenz, ermöglichen. Hauptlegierungen der 6xxx’er Serie stehen in unserem Programm wobei Speziallegierungen auf Anfragen bewertet werden. Eloxal, Pulverbeschichtung und mechanische Bearbeitungen sind die weiteren Folgeeinrichtungen, welche uns ermöglichen höchste Qualität bis hin zur Auslieferung an den Endverbraucher zu gewährleisten.


A body structure that all vehicles need is rigidness, in order to support weight and stress and to securely tie together all the individual components. Therefore, aluminium is well suited for use in vehicular design, as its mechanical properties as well as its light weight make it the responsible and sustainable choice.
Using aluminium for a car’s structure can lessen weight by as much as 30% compared to steel. Its low weight helps reduce the amount of fuel needed. As aluminium is fully recyclable, a large percentage of the car of the future could be made from 100% recycled aluminium, a truly sustainable vehicle. Suitable for both passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

Anti Vibration Parts
Isolators solve vibration-related challenges deriving from the torque fluctuations and natural frequencies of the drive shaft in rear- and all-wheel drive vehicles, where the drive force must be transferred to the rear axle. Rotary dampers, flexible couplings and centering devices help counteract unwanted noise and vibrations from the drive shaft.

Engine & Chasis Mounts
Dozens of chassis mounts control vibrations transmitted from the road surface into the chassis of the vehicle. Chassis mounts are small but important components that improve handling and safety, and reduce unwanted vibrations.

In its usage in transportation, so far aluminium has contributed to reducing the weight of road, rail, marine and aerospace. The demand for aluminium in transport (as well as all other applications) is continuously increasing. As a general indicator, 1 kg of automotive aluminium substituted for a heavier material in a vehicle typically avoids 20 kg of greenhouse gas emissions during its operating life.

Trailer & Caravan Profiles
Alunet supplies a substantial part of its extensive range of aluminium profiles and components to the trailer industry.
Regardless of whether you require sideboards for flat-bed trailers, floors for car transporters or profile systems for closed bodies or horseboxes or trailers, Alunet is your partner for the truck and trailer industry. Our customers include both manufacturers and brand dealers who offer their customers bespoke solutions.
These include sideboard profiles, floor profiles of 18 & 30 mm, sideboard latches and board hinges. Alunet carries an extensive range of profiles for the light segment of closed box bodies, including 18 mm sideboard and finishing profiles, top/sideboard rails, door and stop profiles, and floors in various heights. Moreover, we supply an extensive range of corresponding components and accessories, such as stainless steel latches and hinges.

Cargo Control Profiles
The manufacturing capacity at ALUNET goes way beyond standard off the shelf products. Our business creates and manufactures customer specific components, helping our clients to develop products that meet exact requirements.
Working with ALUNET means support at the very beginning, from early advice through to the finishing of a final, perfect product.
Lift System Profiles


Sigma Profiles

Conveyor&Handling Systems

Crane Systems

Facade System Profiles

Scaffholding System Profiles
Solar energy is an environmentally friendly form of renewable energy. It is harnessed using solar cells in solar panels of varying sizes, to convert solar energy into electricity for residential and commercial applications. Aluminium extrusion is helping to convert sunlight to green power with strong and light-weight state-of-the-art frames and structures for the solar energy industry. Aluminium components allow precision positioning and stability for improved productivity.
Aluminium extruded systems have exceptional performance, the lowest “total installed cost” (including material acquisition, extrusion, fabrication, transportation, subassembly and final field assembly) and an end-of-life value three times that of comparable steel systems.

Solar Construction Profiles